Faire une Pause - Timeout - Rehat

The blog contains mainly my reading activity, -- in broader sense, it includes watching film for example -- experience and my personal appreciation on what I read. Basically, I will read books in one of the three (so far) languages: Indonesian, English, French, then I will write the comment on other language than the text I read, at least I'll try to do so.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Musée Picasso Antibes

As the title may render, you might think that this post is another unusual post: not a book reading personal impression. Unluckily enough, you are not hundred percents without error. It is about a book, a simple book. It is about a museum guide book, Picasso Museum in Antibes.

We visited the museum last December, just before we moved to our new appartement and the book was bought in the museum souvenir shop.

The book, just like any other simple guide book is dry. But the pictures are quite generous for a small and relatively cheap book. The Venezia Academia Museum guide book that we also have, for example, includes much more densed pictures. The main Picasso work owned by the museum, Joie de Vivre, is deservedly rewarded two pages of the book.

The museum itself is awesome, it is a three levels medieval castel called Grimaldi Castel. Picasso lived and worked there in 1946 accompanied by his spouse François Gilot. The most important work fulfilled in the period is the Joie de Vivre, a picture that is representative to his mood at the time: the joy of life.

Other pictures are not less interesting. I love Femme dans un fauteuil and Pêcheur attablé pictures. Some ceramic plates handcrafted by Picasso as result of his visit to a poterie in Vallauris, also in the period, are also interesing and eye catching and worth to see.

The museum collection is not limited to Picasso's works. There are some works of Joan Miro, Fernand Leger, and Magnelli to name a few. A special mention for Nicolas de Stael with his breathtaking Le Grand Concert and Fort Carre d'Antibes, one of his last works before his suicide 1955 in Antibes.

From the guide, we will see clearly the context of the works that we see in the museum. It is a good souvenir for one who has visited the museum, or a good resource for one who wants to visit the museum. It is from the guide I know who Francois Gilot was, and what happened to Stael.

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Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia, menurut sebuah statistik ternyata merupakan bahasa yang banyak digunakan di dunia. Ia menempati posisi nomor 9 di atas bahasa Prancis dan Jerman !

Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian Language, according to a statistic report is the 9th most spoken language in the world. It is spoken more than French and German.

La langue indonésienne est la 9e langue la plus parlée au monde. Elle devance le français et l’allemand.


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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

JL Asmarandana: Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2005

This message is about a book I have just finished. The book title is Jl. Asmarandana. Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2005. It is a collection of selected short stories appeared in Sunday edition of Kompas newspaper. Ten short stories are selected from 50 published in the newspaper in 2004.

Sewaktu ke Indonesia bulan Agustus yang lalu, saya sempatkan untuk beli buku sastra terbaru. Banyak buku yang menarik, tapi akhirnya saya hanya beli dua buku, Pintunya Fira Basuki, dan Jl. Asmarandana. Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2005. Buku yang pertama harus saya bilang tidak terlalu menarik dan terlalu banyak bermain simbol-simbol yang repetitif. Tapi, tentu saja saya bakal menulis sedikit tentang itu di blog ini. Buku kedua, sebaliknya. Saya menyukai buku itu, karena bukunya digarap baik, cerpen-cerpennya menarik, bahkan ilustrasinya pun mengesankan.

Buku Jl. Asmarandana. Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2005 memuat pilihan cerpen-cerpen yang pernah dimuat di surat kabar Kompas Minggu tahun 2004. Kumpulan cerpen Kompas ini bukanlah yang pertama, dan sewaktu saya menelusuri buku-buku di Gramedia, saya paling tidak menyadari keberadaan kumpulan cerpen Kompas tahun yang lain. Hanya saja, sesuai niatan awal, saya hanya ingin membaca yang terbaru. Jl. Asmarandana, namun demikian adalah Kumpulan cerpen Kompas pertama buat saya.

Cerpen yang dimuat dalam buku ini berjumlah sepuluh. Sepuluh saja dari lima puluh cerpen -- sekitar 15 atau 17 biasanya -- menurut Kenedi Nurhan, salah seorang dewan juri, karena mereka hendak teguh pada kriteria yang mereka terapkan di awal pemilihan. Kriteria itu adalah cerpen-cerpen yang dimuat dalam buku ini harus dipilih oleh separuh dewan juri dalam sekali pemilihan. Dewan juri sendiri mengakui bahwa kualitas cerpen-cerpen yang dimuat tahun 2004 mengalami penurunan kualitas.

Kesepuluh cerpen itu adalah Rt03 Rw22: Jalan Belimbing atau Jalan Asmarandana (Kuntowijoyo), Kupu-kupu Seribu Peluru (Agus Noor), Senja Buram, Daging di Mulutnya (Radhar Panca Dahana), Belatung (Gus Tf Sakai), Dari Mana Datangnya Mata (Veven Sp Wardhana), Sepasang Kera yang Berjalan dari Pura ke Pura (Sunaryono Basuki Ks), Bulan Terbingkai Jendela (Indra Tranggono), Baju (Ratna Indaswari Ibrahim), Daun-daun Waru di Samirono (Nh Dini), dan Roti Tawar (Kurnia Effendi).

Bila saya harus memilih tiga dari sepuluh cerpen itu, maka saya akan memilih berturutan Rt03 Rw22: Jalan Belimbing atau Jalan Asmarandana, Daun-daun Waru di Samirono, dan Dari Mana Datangnya Mata.

Kuntowijoyo dalam Jalan Asmarandana, yang dinobatkan sebagai cerpen terbaik dalam buku ini mengangkat tema sederhana. Seorang ketua RT lulusan S3 ilmu politik dari Amerika mengalami kesulitan mengatasi konflik antar warganya, antara pasangan Said dan istrinya yang baru saja menikah dengan Pak Dwiyatmo yang baru saja kehilangan istrinya. Dengan cara bertutur yang sederhana, pernciptaan karakter yang kuat, dan humor yang menyegarkan dalam cerpennya ini, Kuntowijoyo almarhum memang layak untuk mendapat penghargaan cerpen terbaik. Saya setuju dengan dewan juri.

Daun-daun Waru di Samirono karya Nh. Dini juga menceritakan sesuatu yang sederhana dan kuat. Cerpen ini bercerita tentang seorang nenek bernama Mbah (atau Lik atau Mak tergantung pemanggilnya) Jum yang berprofesi tetap sebagai pengumpul daun waru untuk dijual kepada para penjual tempe. Mbah Jum, seorang wong cilik yang bagi banyak orang mungkin dianggap sebagai korban ditampilkan sebagai seorang yang justru berkarakter kuat. Dibingkai dengan setting budaya Jawa, membuat cerpen ini indah dan mengesankan.

Pola lantunan yang digunakan Veven Sp Wardhana adalah salah satu yang membuat Dari Mana Datangnya Mata meninggalkan kesan buat saya.
Ada yang menyelipkan belati di balik kutang.
Ada yang melilitkan pedang di balik setagen di pinggang.
Aku suka berendam hingga terbenam tanpa aku sadari aku tenggelam berpadu dengan penggunaan simbol-simbol untuk menutupi cerita seksualitas membuat cerpen ini menyenangkan untuk dibaca.

Cerpen-cerpen lain tak kalah menariknya. Belatung, gabungan dari metaforis dan realis adalah cerpen yang sangat baik. Kupu-kupu Seribu Peluru sangat menjanjikan, menyajikan cerita dengan penuh pesona. Senja Buram, Daging di Mulutnya , cerpen berkecendrungan surealis menarik untuk dibaca walaupun mungkin terlalu rumit. Roti Tawar, cerpen sederhana dengan tema yang mungkin tak sesederhana penampilannya, menyembunyikan banyak kemungkinan. Baju dan Berjalan dari Pura ke Pura tak terlalu mengesankan meski mungkin tema yang digarap menarik. Sedangkan bagi saya Bulan Terbingkai Jendela tidaklah terlalu menarik, agak mengejutkan bahwa cerpen ini menjadi salah satu dari tiga cerpen terbaik bagi dewan juri.

Selain cerpen-cerpen di atas, buku ini juga dihiasi oleh kritik Jean Couteau di awal buku, dan Budi Darma di akhir. Keduanya tidak terlalu istimewa. Mungkin karena waktu yang mereka habiskan tak sama dengan waktu yang dihabiskan penulis-penulis cerpen.

Tak lupa, sebelum menutup message ini, ilustrasi di setiap awal cerpen menunjukkan bagaimana seriusnya buku ini digarap.

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Update on Kant Reading

Since the last time, I have finished Guyer's The Cambridge Companion to Kant and bought Immanuel Kant Logic, translated by Hartman and Schwarz.

I don't remember when I have finished Guyer's book, it should be somewhere in February or March. I have no doubt that I need to reread the book since many things are left unclear. But the book itself is a quite nice overview on all Kant's work, not limited to the Critique of Pure Reason. It is quite interesting book and I love it. One article that I love so much on the book is the Taste, sublimity, and genius: The aesthetics nature of Art of Eva Schaper article.

The second book, the Logic, is hard to read. I could not make to finish even a single subchapter. The book itself has a long translator introduction, about 115 pages, almost half of the total book itself (the Kant's writing itself is of 150 pages. I bought the book since I thought that it was the time to start reading Kant directly. Some reviewers from Internet suggested that I have to start from Prolegomena or Logic book before reading the Critiques. Prolegomena seems to be less interesting from me, that is why I preferred to start from Logic.

But I'm kind of frustrated reading the Logic. I have read some paragraphs from the introduction, and I had to stop since it was confusing. And then tried to read the Kant's part: believe me, it is worse.
A little bit frustrated, I decided to stop reading the book now; and try to find some times to retry after maybe rereading the Guyer or Gardner Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason.

Or, maybe I should read Hume work or any other context book?
I don't know, I have no idea yet how to recover the reading.

But I don't give up. I even found my self interested in French view of Kant. I have browsed some French Kant translation, like Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs for Prolegomena, Critique de la raison pure translated by Alain Renault, or even Apprendre à philosopher en lisant Kant book. The latter is surely the first book I would like to read Kant in French.

On the other hand, German language is surely interesting and always fascinates me. I need to find some times to learn it. I have identified some introduction books on German and after Spanish (and what the hell is this??? I'll let you know in other messages...:-) ) basic learning and Spain travel, I will take the German and maybe travel there.

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Que dire que dire. Since we have moved to our new appartement, this blog seems to be stagnant. Not because there weren't anything to blog. It is the opposite. There are many things happened and there should have been many things to blog. But, well I have to make a reorientation of what this blog should contain.
I decided to only speak of books I read, in any subjects. It might be philosophics, Kantian so far. It might be historical books, language, informatics, in short: anything. I will not for example include in this blog my opinion concerning German election for example, neither football, anything has no relation with my book.

It is however does not close the possibility for anything not directly related to the book itself. For example, why I bought a book, where, when, etc. etc.

OK. That's all for now. Hopefully, more blogs to come.

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