Faire une Pause - Timeout - Rehat

The blog contains mainly my reading activity, -- in broader sense, it includes watching film for example -- experience and my personal appreciation on what I read. Basically, I will read books in one of the three (so far) languages: Indonesian, English, French, then I will write the comment on other language than the text I read, at least I'll try to do so.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Update on Kant Reading

Since the last time, I have finished Guyer's The Cambridge Companion to Kant and bought Immanuel Kant Logic, translated by Hartman and Schwarz.

I don't remember when I have finished Guyer's book, it should be somewhere in February or March. I have no doubt that I need to reread the book since many things are left unclear. But the book itself is a quite nice overview on all Kant's work, not limited to the Critique of Pure Reason. It is quite interesting book and I love it. One article that I love so much on the book is the Taste, sublimity, and genius: The aesthetics nature of Art of Eva Schaper article.

The second book, the Logic, is hard to read. I could not make to finish even a single subchapter. The book itself has a long translator introduction, about 115 pages, almost half of the total book itself (the Kant's writing itself is of 150 pages. I bought the book since I thought that it was the time to start reading Kant directly. Some reviewers from Internet suggested that I have to start from Prolegomena or Logic book before reading the Critiques. Prolegomena seems to be less interesting from me, that is why I preferred to start from Logic.

But I'm kind of frustrated reading the Logic. I have read some paragraphs from the introduction, and I had to stop since it was confusing. And then tried to read the Kant's part: believe me, it is worse.
A little bit frustrated, I decided to stop reading the book now; and try to find some times to retry after maybe rereading the Guyer or Gardner Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason.

Or, maybe I should read Hume work or any other context book?
I don't know, I have no idea yet how to recover the reading.

But I don't give up. I even found my self interested in French view of Kant. I have browsed some French Kant translation, like Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs for Prolegomena, Critique de la raison pure translated by Alain Renault, or even Apprendre à philosopher en lisant Kant book. The latter is surely the first book I would like to read Kant in French.

On the other hand, German language is surely interesting and always fascinates me. I need to find some times to learn it. I have identified some introduction books on German and after Spanish (and what the hell is this??? I'll let you know in other messages...:-) ) basic learning and Spain travel, I will take the German and maybe travel there.


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