Faire une Pause - Timeout - Rehat

The blog contains mainly my reading activity, -- in broader sense, it includes watching film for example -- experience and my personal appreciation on what I read. Basically, I will read books in one of the three (so far) languages: Indonesian, English, French, then I will write the comment on other language than the text I read, at least I'll try to do so.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia, menurut sebuah statistik ternyata merupakan bahasa yang banyak digunakan di dunia. Ia menempati posisi nomor 9 di atas bahasa Prancis dan Jerman !

Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian Language, according to a statistic report is the 9th most spoken language in the world. It is spoken more than French and German.

La langue indonésienne est la 9e langue la plus parlée au monde. Elle devance le français et l’allemand.



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