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The blog contains mainly my reading activity, -- in broader sense, it includes watching film for example -- experience and my personal appreciation on what I read. Basically, I will read books in one of the three (so far) languages: Indonesian, English, French, then I will write the comment on other language than the text I read, at least I'll try to do so.


Friday, November 12, 2004

Gardner's Kant

This Gardner Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reasonbook makes me mad. I almost finish it, have already had a lot of things entered in my mind, but I could not express them in my own words. It means simply that I don't really understand it and makes me a little bit nervous. Is it because the book itself that bad? Or is it because Kant itself bad? Or it is because the hard-core philosophy IS hard? I have no clear idea.

First, I thought that I was not that ready to read hard-core philosophy and I ordered Simon Blackburn book Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy. Then, I continued to read Gardner and found that my lost was not really that bad. OK, then it is probably the book. I cancelled the Simon Blackburn's and ordered Guyer's The Cambridge Companion to Kant. At least this book will help to clarify things in Gardner's book. Another possibility is that the Gardner book is not readable without the Critique of Pure Reason itself. We'll see.

On waiting for the Guyer's book, I will try to finish Gardner and maybe re-read again.


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